Perfectionism for Teens Workshop
Does your child struggle with perfectionism?
Are the pressures of school, sports, or college applications wearing your teenager down? Do they measure their self-worth, not by who they are, but by how well they've performed on their latest test? This six-week workshop can help them gain some perspective on the never-ending perfectionism cycle. They will look at what these messages mean and how to get some distance from the pressures in their head.
Cost is $300. Payment is due at the first session. This includes weekly groups, snacks and materials, and homework.
Applications for this group are currently being accepted. Group cohorts will be assembled based on age and availability.
Reserve your spot below. After submitting the information, you will be contacted to determine the appropriate group placement.
Vered Counseling
29 Ravenscroft Dr., Suite 208
Asheville, NC 28801